Senin, 14 November 2011

Experiencing the Seven Animal Extinction

1. Tasmanian Tiger Extinction 7 Animals Who Have Even though the name and appearance they are like tigers, but they are not tigers or canids. Instead, they are marsupials. In fact, they are the largest carnivorous marsupial in modern times. Found in mainland Australia and Tasmania, they were declared extinct in the 1930s, after centuries of being hunted by farmers for fear of being eaten by animals. Last Tasmanian Tiger killed by a farmer named Wilf Batty, who shot him when he saw the animal wandered near his home.

2. 7 Passenger Pigeon Extinction of Animals Experiencing The story of this pigeon became one of the most tragic stories of extinction in modern times. Pigeons are actually very common in North America 200 years ago. What happened? The pigeon meat was commercialized and sold as cheap food, especially for slaves and the poor, so begins a manhunt against this pigeon. In 1896, the last group, amounting to 250,000 tailed pigeons killed by a group of hunters who actually knows that it is the last group. Finally? Killed one of them without remainder.

3. Great Auk 7 Animals Who Have Ever extinction is estimated to reach 1 million birds, the bird can not fly it was hunted to extinction in the 1850s. Along with the declining number of these birds, the price of skins and eggs become very expensive. Effort to hunt this bird is very systematically to the point that murder last pair of birds is documented in great detail as to seem inhuman. On July 3, 1844, a hunter named Sigurdur Ísleifsson strangle the bird couple, while his partner Ketill Ketilsson break an egg that had been incubated with bootsnya shoes.

4. Animals Who Have quagga 7 Extinction Glance looks like a mix between a zebra and a horse. However, these animals proved to be a part of a unique family of zebras that can be found in South Africa. Hunted for its unique and beautiful skin, Quaggas to extinction in 1870. The last quagga had been arrested, died on 12 Agustus1883 in Amsterdam Zoo.

5. Falkland Island Wolf 7 Extinction Species of Animals Experiencing this unique wolf, and is a native mammal of the Falkland Islands, very unlucky because of the title as the first extinct animal in history. Settlers living in the Falkland Islands began to be afraid of the wolves is because these animals often prey on their sheep. So the hunt was held by systematically poisoning and shooting. The wolf was officially hold the title of extinction in 1876. Spoiler for the Falkland Island Wolf:

6. Zanzibar leopard 7 Extinction Animals Who Have Found only in the Islands of Zanzibar, Tanzania, Leopard this unique subspecies have become extinct in the 1990s. Because ridiculous belief among locals that the cat is kept by witches and sent by them to cause damage, the hunt began and lasted for several decades. Although the report sightings of this animal will sometimes arise, but since the 1980's no longer reports its emergence so many zoological assume that the Zanzibar leopard extinct.

7. Caribbean Monk Seal 7 Animal Extinction Experiencing The only seal native Caribbean Island and the Gulf of Mexico, this animal was officially declared extinct in 2008. Although it never appeared since 1952. And is the only family of seals to extinction due to human actions. Their misfortunes began when Columbus's voyage in 1494. Columbus describes them as "sea wolves" and recorded eight individuals were killed and eaten his flesh.