Rabu, 21 September 2011

Seven Strangest of human

1. Joseph Merrick - the Elephant Man 7 Strangest Man in the World> Born in 1862, Joseph Merrick has a physical abnormality that is growing very big ears when he was five years old. He joined the show in 1884, where he was treated well and got a lot of money. Visitors to see a doctor and plans to change his life. Now he's known to Joseph Merrick actually suffered from Proteus syndrome and elephantiasis are not as it seems. Merrick died at age 27 due to suffocation during sleep.

Juan Baptista dos Santos - Two Men with penile 7 Strangest Man in the World Jean (or Juan) Baptista dos Santos is said to have been a "Gipsey", born in Faro, Portugal in 1843. from the normal husband-wife with two other normal children. His career in performances overseen by a medical team. In 1865, he produced 200.00 francs to perform with a circus in France for two years. He has two functioning penises scrota three dams, two of which had one testicle. Dos Santos said the center is also used in the scrotum there is also a pair of testicles, but has now been fused with peruts when he was ten years old.

3. Myrtle Corbin - Four Legged Woman 7 Strangest Man in the World Josephine Myrtle Corbin was born in Lincoln County, Tennessee in 1868. He was born dipygus, had two adjacent pelvic terpusah from waist. This additional leg is part of the twin who did not separate properly, like Frank Lentini who has three legs. Each pair of little legs with big feet, he said he could move his little time, but not strong enough for walking. He punga four daughters and one son.

Mademoiselle Gabrielle - Women's Half 7 Strangest Man in the World Born in Basle, Switzerland, in 1884, Gabrielle Fuller first reply in the circus at the Paris Exposition in 1900. He traveled with Ringling Brothers Circus show in Coney Island Dreamland performances. He married twice, first with John de Fuller. He's got the perfect body ended up at the waist.

5. Mary Ann Bevan - Women Poor 7 Strangest Man in the World Mary Ann Webster was born in London, England in 1874, with seven brothers. When young, he worked as a nurse and in 1903 married a vegetable seller, Thomas Bevan. Shortly after marriage, Mary Ann began to show symptoms of acromegaly, enlargement due to abnormal growth and dysfunction in the face, such as headache, blurred vision and sore muscles and joints. He had four children before Thomas died in 1914.

Martin Laurello - Owl Man 7 Strangest Man in the World Pira named Martin Laurello was born with the name Martin Emmerling in Nuremberg, Germany in 1886. He began acting in Europe at the age of 20s and continued to America in 1921. He appeared several times at Coney Island and worked also for Ringling Bros., Barnum & Baileys performances. He also worked for the Royal American Shows Best and Dick's 19,945 year-end appear to Ripley with "Popeye Perry" and "Junior Stiles", lobster boy was seven years old.

Mme. Clofullia - 7 bearded lady Madame World's Strangest People born under the name Josephine Clofullia Boisdechene in Switzerland. People said he was born with body hair and a beard seteba; 2 inches at the age of eight. At age eight, he began touring in Europe with his father. In Paris she met painter Fortube Clofullia and then marry him. He became famous for his show had a beard when imitating Napoleon III. Then, the ruler of the area gave him a very big jewel.